Unknown Fragment of the Inspection Books of Derevskaya Pyatina by Grigory Plescheev of 1573
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Unknown Fragment of the Inspection Books of Derevskaya Pyatina by Grigory Plescheev of 1573
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Alexey Frolov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article attributes a fragment of land description of Shegrinsky pogost of Novgorod Derevskaya Pyatina, stored in F. 1209 RGADA among unidentified sheets of unknown origin (Inventory 1. Part 3. File 268). It has been established that the two investigated sheets belong to the collection of inspection books of Derevskaya Pyatina by Grigory Plescheev of 1573 and belong to one of the most destroyed parts of this collection: until now, only one sheet was known about Shegrinsky pogost. Observations were made on when the examined fragment could have been removed from the collection and under what circumstances it was rediscovered, why it was put among the documents of the archive of estate land and fiefdom property institutions, while the convolute origins from the archive of the financial office, and why it has not been attributed until now.

cadaster documentation of the Russian state of the 16th century, archival fate of cadaster books, Novgorod cadaster books, early cadaster books collection, attribution of fragments of manuscripts
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