Burgundian Cleric and Denis Fonvizin Teach Grammar: Court Manners in the Mirror of Two Epochs
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Burgundian Cleric and Denis Fonvizin Teach Grammar: Court Manners in the Mirror of Two Epochs
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Yulia Krylova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In the 1780s the well-known Russian writer Denis Fonvizin created his “General Court Grammar”. The idea of this work still seemed original and the sources of borrowing were not known. Meanwhile, its idea is very similar to the French “Doctrinal du temps present” by Pierre Michault (15th century), an anticurial text where court manners are also shown through the teaching of grammar. The article has a dual purpose: firstly, by comparing it, it examines in detail the circumstances of both works, the reasons for their writing, the choice of plot and the contents, and puts forward a hypothesis about the possible borrowing of idea by Denis Fonvizin from the French text. Secondly, the methods of everyday history are used to conclude that both authors are dissatisfied with their place in courtly society and the need to make a career through their literary talent.

Denis Fonvizin, “General Court Grammar”, court, courtiers, court criticism, France, 15th century, “Doctrinal du temps present”, Pierre Michault
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