The Participation of Cadres from the Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON) in Strengthening the Defense Potential of the Far Eastern Borders of the USSR in 1932—1942
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The Participation of Cadres from the Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON) in Strengthening the Defense Potential of the Far Eastern Borders of the USSR in 1932—1942
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Alexey Usov 
Affiliation: Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok

The article is devoted to a poorly studied subject — the contribution of cadres from the Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON) to strengthening their readiness to repulse an external enemy in the Soviet Far East in the 1930s and early 1940s. The study is based on archival materials, some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The main focus is on the specifics of the activities of EPRON’ cadres on the Pacific shores. Examples of works performed are given. The author comes to the conclusion that the participation of the EPRON in strengthening the defense potential of the Far Eastern borders of the USSR in the studied period 1932—1942 takes place during three stages closely related to the development of the fleet in the Pacific Ocean in the pre-war and first war years.

special Expedition for Underwater Works, Naval Forces of the Far East, Pacific Fleet, Far East Basin, sea rescue service, diver, ship-raising
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