The 1950 Discussion about the “Russkaya Pravda” by S. V. Yushkov (to the 135th Anniversary of the Scientist's Birth)
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The 1950 Discussion about the “Russkaya Pravda” by S. V. Yushkov (to the 135th Anniversary of the Scientist's Birth)
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Maksim Zaloilo 
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Dmitry Pashentsev
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article, prepared on the basis of dialectical, formal-logical, formal-legal methods, as well as methods of historical analysis and systematization, sets and solves the task of showing the main directions of scientific discussions of the post-war period about the Russkaya Pravda, to identify the main achievements of S. V. Yushkov in the study of this monument of national law. The figure of Seraphim Vladimirovich Yushkov occupies a special place in the national science of the history of state and law, since he is actually its creator. He owns the name of this branch of scientific knowledge and academic discipline, its periodization, the formulation of a number of significant issues. The scientist paid the main attention to the study of the ancient Russian state and law. The central place among his works is occupied by the research of theRusskaya Pravda, including a monograph on this source of law, many provisions of which retain their significance today. At the same time, after publication, this work was ambiguously perceived by some scientists. The materials of the discussion on the the “Russkaya Pravda” by S. V. Yushkov, which unfolded during the discussion of the monograph at the Academic Council of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences, are presented. For the first time, verbatim reports of meetings devoted to the discussion of the monograph (1950) and the memory of Yushkov (1952) are introduced into scientific circulation.

Serafim Vladimirovich Yushkov, Russkaya Pravda, Old Russian state and law, feudalism, Kiev Russia, historical and legal science
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