Visual Narrative and Ktisissagen: New Mosaics on the Foundation of Two Seleukid Cities
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Visual Narrative and Ktisissagen: New Mosaics on the Foundation of Two Seleukid Cities
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Svyatoslav Smirnov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper analyses two foundation myths of Antioch on the Orontes and Apamea in Syria in context of both: the late roman literature and recently discovered mosaics. Comparative study of John Malalas and Libanius accounts with the mosaics reveals a strong typological and structure affinity of the literary and visual narratives, at the same time stressing a significant difference in details. Such differences may be result of the co-existence of various versions of the foundation legends, which were influenced by local folklore tradition, as well as official state ideology.

Antioch on the Orontes, Apameia in Syria, Seleukids, iconography, Hellenism
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