Procurators of Dacia Inferior During the Reigh of Emperor Hadrian
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Procurators of Dacia Inferior During the Reigh of Emperor Hadrian
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Nikita Filimonov 
Affiliation: Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

The article examines the official path of the procurators of Dacia Inferior during the reign of Hadrian on the basis of epigraphic materials, specifies the dates of their stay in the province. Also, the epigraphy data on the investigated procurators reflect only part of their direct responsibilities in the province. It is concluded that in the 20—30s of the 2nd century AD the procurators of Dacia Inferior, upon reaching the end of their term of office, held similar posts in other provinces, but by the 60s of the 2nd century AD, due to the personnel crisis in the highest level of the administrative system of the Roman Empire, the career opportunities of equites are expanding up to the most important government posts.

Roman Empire, Dacia Inferior, provincial administration, procuratores, 117—138 AD
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