Roman Quaestors/Proquaestors in Pro Praetore Status: Lucius Antonius (50—49 BC)
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Roman Quaestors/Proquaestors in Pro Praetore Status: Lucius Antonius (50—49 BC)
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Vera Dementyeva 
Affiliation: Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

The article analyzes information from sources about the quaestorship and proquaestorship of Lucius Antonius, during which he was empowered with pro praetore, namely, epigraphic texts (inscriptions from Ephesus, Magnesia on the Sipylos and Pergamun) and narrative texts — letters of Cicero and the writings of Josephus Flavius “Antiquities of the Jews”. The author considers points of view on the issue under study by R. Merkelbach, K. Eilers, E. Kondratieff, F. Pina Polo and A. Diez Fernandez and other researchers, does not agree with the dating of Lucius Antonius quaestorship of 49 BC, attributing it to 50 BC, consequently, recognizing that Lucius Antonius received an imperium in the rank of quaestor pro praetore, and then retained it for some period of 49 BC in the rank of proquaestor pro praetore. It is concluded that the sources consistently reflect the official status of Lucius Antonius during his stay in the province of Asia, his actions as the bearer of imperium and his observance of the one-year term of the magistracy of the quaestor.

Lucius Antonius, quaestor pro praetore, proquaestor pro praetore, Roman province of Asia, 50—49 BC
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