Economic Convergence of the FRG and the USSR Early 1970s: the GDR Factor
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Economic Convergence of the FRG and the USSR Early 1970s: the GDR Factor
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Boris Yablokov 
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Omsk

The Moscow Treaty concluded by the USSR and the FRG on August 12, 1970, actually served as a prologue to the signing of the Treaty on the Foundations of Relations and international legal recognition of the two German states between the GDR and the FRG on December 21, 1972. At the same time, the USSR's diplomatic breakthrough in 1970 became possible primarily due to the expansion of trade and economic cooperation with the FRG in the previous decade, anticipating the transition in the conditions of Willy Brandt's “new eastern policy” to the “detente economy”. In the article, based on the material of domestic archives, an idea is given about the special nature of german-german economic relations that developed by this period, and the importance of the GDR factor for the economic rapprochement of the USSR and Germany.

USSR, GDR, FRG, Leonid Brezhnev, Walter Ulbricht, Willy Brandt, new eastern policy, new economic system, economic diplomacy, economic relations, trade, economic convergence
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