The Development of Institutions for the Recognition of Missing Persons and the Declaration of Deceased Persons Missing in Circumstances Threatening Death: the Experience of Historical and Comparative Legal Research
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The Development of Institutions for the Recognition of Missing Persons and the Declaration of Deceased Persons Missing in Circumstances Threatening Death: the Experience of Historical and Comparative Legal Research
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Nataliya Kozlova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Sophia Filippova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The aim of the study is to identify the main phases of the evolution of legislation on the recognition of missing persons and the declaration of persons dead, missing under circumstances threatening death. The authors indicate the problems that could arise in connection with the use of these institutions in the situation of mass disappearance of people in the current conditions. The authors proposed to use the historical experience of the wars of the past centuries and the legal regulation that existed during these periods to fill in the legal uncertainty of the status of servicemen missing in connection with military operations. Research methods: dogmatic, which was used to identify the content of legislation; historical, which is used to study the law in its dynamics; comparative, which is used to compare laws regulating relations in various legal systems. The hypothesis of the study was that on the basis of historical research, it is possible to identify the key legal risks of an unknown absence, to use historical experience for the current situation in order to avoid mistakes in legislation and the enforcement of law. The scientific result is the conclusion that it is necessary to limit the use of the institution of declaring dead citizens, since it does not allow solving problems related to the legal uncertainty of the status of a person, contradicts the natural human right to be recognized as alive. To manage the property of military personnel and other persons in circumstances threatening death, the authors propose to limit the use of powers of attorney and recommend using the institution of trust.

missing persons, declaration of the dead, missing persons, military actions, trust, circumstances threatening death
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