Discursive Postcolonial Reflections of Reunification in Selected Contemporary Anglophone Cameroonian History Textbooks, 1961—2021
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Discursive Postcolonial Reflections of Reunification in Selected Contemporary Anglophone Cameroonian History Textbooks, 1961—2021
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Дискурсивные постколониальные отражения воссоединения Камеруна в избранных современных англоязычных учебниках по истории страны, 1961—2021 гг.
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Raymond Nkwenti Fru 
Affiliation: Sol Plaatje University
Address: South Africa, Kimberley
Godwin Gham Nyinchiah
Affiliation: University of Buea
Address: Cameroon, Buea

The Anglo-French partition of German Cameroon in 1961 and the eventual reunification in 1961 of British Southern Cameroons with French Cameroon are responsible for the significant presence of Anglo-French heritage in contemporary Cameroon. Since its reunification, the country has witnessed several internal tensions mainly informed by developments around reunification and the colonial legacies. This article adopts a critical content analysis approach, nuanced with a discursive postcolonial theoretical framework to analyze two history textbooks from the English subsystem of education in Cameroon. In addition to the textbooks presenting history as a memory and uncritical discipline, the findings also reveal the presence of a robust Anglophone nationalism discourse rather than a Cameroonian one in the selected history textbooks under review. Furthermore, the author argues that the colonial heritage enshrined in the federal constitution is being systematically erased, indicating the assimilation of a weaker culture by a stronger one. There is a deep sense in the English-speaking community, both public and private, that the form of the state must be changed. Discourses of disempowered subaltern representation are emerging in relation to postcolonialism, which is also linked to internal colonisation.

Anglophone, Cameroon, History Teaching, Postcolonialism, Reunification, Textbooks
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