Experience in Regulating Lobbying in Federal Republic of Germany
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Experience in Regulating Lobbying in Federal Republic of Germany
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Katerina Borisova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In today's realities, the Russian economy is subjected to serious tests, including the extremely strong sanctions pressure on Russian business. In this connection, despite the protectionist measures taken by the leadership of our country, the contradictions between business and government are intensifying. The aggravation of these relations puts the Russian business community before the need to find compromise solutions and legitimate ways to defend its interests in the government structures. The experience of the Federal Republic of Germany seems extremely attractive in this sense. The article analyzes the legal regulation of lobbying activities in Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of the article is to reveal the main models of legal regulation of lobbying activities on the example of German, to identify their positive and negative sides. The author's position on lobbying the interests of various social groups as a component of effective political system, which allows finding a compromise in society, is substantiated.

legal regulation, lobbying, lobbying activity, Federal Republic of Germany
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