The Features of German Political-Military Penetration to Africa during the End of the 20th — 21th Centuries
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The Features of German Political-Military Penetration to Africa during the End of the 20th — 21th Centuries
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Philipp Trunov 
Affiliation: Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article explores the forms and geographical features of usage in the political context by the Second and Third Reich of military tools in Africa. The scientific paper considers the historic determination of creation of lasting strategic positions in Africa for the success of German gaining the status of world power. The goal of the article is to explore the character, distinctive features and the results of German political-military presence ensuring in Africa during the period of 1990s — 2010s. The methodical basis of the paper is the concept of the “regional circles”. The author reveals the content and results of three German attempts to take participation in the solution of “Somalian problem”. In comparison with this experience the article shows the evolution of German approach to the usage of political-diplomatic and military tools in the process of Mali armed conflict resolution. The scientific paper shows its importance for the development of cooperation with other Sahel states and countries in North Africa. In this regard special attention is paid to the bilateral cooperation with Algeria and Egypt in political-military sphere, including the attempts of “Libyan question” resolution.

Germany, Horn of Africa, Somali, Mali, Sahel, North Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Libya
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