Transformation of Scientific Branches in Post Pandemic Period of Development of the Russian Federation
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Transformation of Scientific Branches in Post Pandemic Period of Development of the Russian Federation
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Nataliya Sukhanova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Maxim Voronin
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Financial University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The development of education and science is a process which stimulates Russian economy. Covid-19 pandemic prompted the changes in teaching technologies sphere and their methods. At this moment there is a rapid growth of IT impacting education, science, and the economy. Modern economy and society transform due to the fact of new digital platforms emerging, known as “Uberisation of all”. This has become possible thanks to IT development and forming of cyberspace. The “revolution of platforms” taken place in the last 10 years not only changed the markets but also “almost all traditional methods of managing a business including stragedy, marketing, manufacturing and research”. In this article the authors aim to summarize the impact of the pandemic on education and scientific society and reflect the specific character of modern reality. It was showed that the implementation of computer engineering made it possible to save and distribute information digitally. Nowadays the works in biology and medicine are focused on. They are being viewed in the most different aspects such as fundamental, applied, and technological. The structure of this work is divided into several interconnected parts. In the first part the authors outline the relevancy of set problems and focus on digitalization of modern reality. The second part is touches upon education system in general and not on its levels. The third part is being focused on value of science and scientific projects being sponsored by the state and the impact of such project on society and economy. In conclusion the authors refocus on the trend of societal development — digital economy. The need of close collaboration between scientific and business societies and the state to achieve general welfare is proven. General scientific methods, comparative and legal methods were used in this work. This article is interdisciplinary and linked to historical, legal, economic and social aspects of educational transformations in post pandemic period of development of the Russian Federation.

Covid-19 pandemic, education, science, digitalization, IT (information technology)
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3. Golichenkov A. K., Voronin M. V., Esipov N. A. Sozdanie tsifrovoj obrazovatel'noj sredy yuridicheskogo vuza (na materialakh yuridicheskogo fakul'teta MGU imeni M. V. Lomonosova) // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 11. Pravo. 2020. № 2. S. 3—17.

4. Golichenkov A. K., Voronin M. V., Esipov N. A., Churilov F. O. Tsifrovaya obrazovatel'naya sreda yuridicheskogo vuza: mekhanizm realizatsii i innovatsionnye obrazovatel'nye praktiki // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 11. Pravo. 2021. № 2. S. 3—21.


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