The Eastern Policy of France in the Second Half of the 17th — Second Half of the 18th Century
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The Eastern Policy of France in the Second Half of the 17th — Second Half of the 18th Century
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Andrey Kudelin 
State Academic University for the Humanities
RUDN University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Elena Popova
Affiliation: RUDN University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article reveals the peculiarities of the eastern policy of France in the second half of the 17th — second half of the 18th century. During the reign of Kings Louis XIV and Louis XV, the eastern policy of France underwent significant changes. At the beginning of this period, the main goal of the “eastern barrier” was to confront the Austrian Habsburgs. To this end, the government of Louis XVI used, first of all, the alliance with the Principality of Transylvania. Problems in the east distracted the Habsburgs from the wars in Europe. During the reign of Louis XV, France's foreign policy became much less consistent. At the beginning of the reign of this monarch, the policy of the “eastern barrier” continued, only now it was directed primarily against Russia, since France was very concerned about the Austro-Russian military alliance. Later, the so-called “reversal of alliances” took place, which eventually led to the Seven Years' War, during which France was on the same side with Austria and Russia, and the policy of the “eastern barrier” was temporarily forgotten. After the turn of Russian policy towards an alliance with Prussia, France is also returning to its traditional policy of containing Russia. This was reflected in the support of the Bar Confederation in Poland and pushing the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean Khanate to war with Russia. However, this policy has not led to any significant results. Apparently, the traditional alliance with the Ottoman Empire for France already at that moment did not seem so attractive to some French politicians. The weakening of the Ottoman Empire was presented to them as a possible reason for the seizure of its territories in the Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt for example.

France, Louis XIV, Louis XV, the “eastern barrier” policy
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