Bilateral Historical Committees as an Example of Scientific Diplomacy
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Bilateral Historical Committees as an Example of Scientific Diplomacy
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Alexander Chubaryan 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

An article by the famous Russian historian A. O. Chubaryan is devoted to the gradual development of science diplomacy as an independent scientific discipline, the implementation of its principles and ideas in practice and the study of Russian experience in this area. The author dwells in particular detail on the work of bilateral commissions of historians, which have become an example of genuine science diplomacy. Despite the initial skepticism, the constructive approach, on the one hand, of Russian historians, and, on the other hand, of their German, Austrian, Polish and Lithuanian colleagues, has made it possible in recent years to publish a number of joint books for secondary school teachers on the most problematic and topical issues of history. The author calls for more active use of the experience of the Cold War, when international scientific expert groups were formed, which jointly searched for ways to alleviate international tension and exit from the acute phase of the Cold War. The publication of archival documents also plays an important role in realizing the goals of science diplomacy. In general, in recent years, despite the aggravation of the international situation, Russian historians have gained considerable experience in international cooperation, the best confirmation of which was the holding of the first ever World Congress of School History Teachers in Moscow in 2021, and in September 2022 in St. Petersburg — conferences with the participation of authors of school textbooks from around the world.

Science diplomacy, Russia, bilateral commissions of historians, World Congress of School History Teachers, textbooks
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