“Germany Armed to the Teeth”: the Military Potential of the Kaiser's Army by the Beginning of the Great War
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“Germany Armed to the Teeth”: the Military Potential of the Kaiser's Army by the Beginning of the Great War
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Leonty Lannik 
Institute of World History RAS
MGIMO University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

One of the main motives not only for the war propaganda of the Entente countries, but also for subsequent historiography was the thesis about the extreme degree of militarism of the German Empire, which reached a new level just before the First World War. In addition to a comparative analysis of the war efforts of the great powers, it is important to compare the capabilities of Germany and the results achieved by it by August 1, 1914 in military construction. Taking into account the peculiarities of the Kaiserreich, from its federal structure to subjective factors in the functioning of its higher authorities, makes it possible to significantly relativize primary statistical conclusions, once again raising the question of the ratio of objective indicators and propaganda stamps in the historiography of the causes of the Great War formed over a century and its “timeliness” for certain great powers.

The German Empire, military potential, the Kaiser's army, the Kaiser's navy, universal conscription, the military budget, E. Ludendorff, A. von Tirpitz
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