Treatise on the Veneration of Images by Jonas of Orléans and the Phenomenon of Carolingian Iconoclasm
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Treatise on the Veneration of Images by Jonas of Orléans and the Phenomenon of Carolingian Iconoclasm
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Ivan Davydov 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Ilia Anikyev
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The subject of the study is the treatise of Jonas of Orléans “On the Veneration of Images” (mid-ninth century). It allows one to conclude in particular that Carolingian theological thought on the subject of the veneration of icons was developing in its own right in the direction of moderate iconoclasm. The aim of this study — to examine the phenomenon of the Carolingian iconoclastic polemics in the context of the local political and cultural situation in the reign of Louis the Pious (814—840) — determined a series of research objectives: (a) to clarify the political and cultural context of the iconoclastic controversy of the time of Louis the Pious, as well as its influence on the form and content of the treatise of Jonas of Orléans (this also requires clarification of the milestones of the biography of the author); (b) to undertake a historical-philological analysis of the stylistic features of the text and the author's polemical techniques; (c) an explication of the concepts underlying Jonas' views and to describe his theological stance on the main themes dealt with in the treatise (veneration of images, the cross, relics, and pilgrimage practices to shrines). A translation of fragments of the treatise from Latin by I. I. Anikyev is published in Russian for the first time.

History of the Christian Church, religious identity, mechanisms of ethno-confessional self-identification, Carolingians, iconoclasm, veneration of icons
Источник финансирования
The article was written as part of the project “Ritual mechanisms of ethno-confessional and religious-political self-identification in historical retrospect” (RFBR № 21-011-44227).
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1. Iona Orleanskij. O korolevskikh obyazannostyakh / per., prim. i vstup. st. I. I. Anik'eva. SPb., 2020.

2. Alcuini Carmina / ed. E. Dümmler // MGH. Poet.Vol. I. Berolini, 1881. P. 220—223.

3. Bertoldi Miciacensis Vita II S. Maximini / ed. J. Mabillon // ASOSB. Vol. I. Parisiis, 1668.

4. Concilium Parisiense anno 829. m. Junio / ed. A. Werminghoff // MGH. Conc. Vol. II. Hannoverae et Lipsiae, 1908. P. 605—680.

5. Epitome Libelli Synodalis Parisiensis / ed. A. Werminghoff // MGH Conc. Vol. II. P. 535—551.

6. Jonae. De cultu imaginum libri tres / ed. J.-P. Migne // PL. Vol. CVI. Parisiis. 1864. Col. 305—388.

7. Jonas d ’Orléans. Le Métier de roi / éd. A. Dubreucq // SC. Vol. 407. P., 1995.

8. Libellus episcoporum de Ebbonis resignatione / ed. A. Werminghoff // MGH. Cons. Vol. II. P. 702.

9. Recueil des actes de Charles II le Chauve, roi de France / éd. G. Tessier. Vol. I. P., 1943.


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