No Embassy, no Ambassador: a New Kind of Relationship between USSR and Spain in Post-War Times
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No Embassy, no Ambassador: a New Kind of Relationship between USSR and Spain in Post-War Times
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Josep Puigsech Farràs 
Affiliation: Autonomous University of Barcelona
Address: Spain, Barcelona

This article analyses how the beginning of the Spanish post-war period impacted in diplomatic relations between Spain and USSR. The Republican defeat in the Spanish Civil War forced the rupture of diplomatic relations between these countries. The Communist Party of Spain played the unofficial role of Spanish representative in front of the USSR from April 1939. For this reason, new diplomacy relationship started in the Spanish post-war period: unofficial character, new actors, a huge desire to overthrow the Francoist Spain and a legitimizing lecture about the Second Republic and the Spanish Civil War.

PCE, exile, new diplomacy, USSR, communism, Spanish civil war, post-war times
Источник финансирования
Project funded by Spain’s Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, entitled “Post-Civil Wars: Violence and National (Re)Construction in Spain and Europe, 1939—1949” (PGC2018-097724-B-100).
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