Ernesto Araujo and Russia: How The Brazilian Ex-Chancellor's Ideas Influenced Bilateral Relations between Brasilia and Moscow?
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Ernesto Araujo and Russia: How The Brazilian Ex-Chancellor's Ideas Influenced Bilateral Relations between Brasilia and Moscow?
Title (other)
Эрнесто Араужо и Россия: как идеи бразильского экс-канцлера повлияли на двусторонние отношения между Бразилией и Москвой?
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Ana Livia Esteves 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Relations between Brazil and Russia decelerated significantly during the tenure of Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araujo, from January 2019 until March 2021. This article maintains that the former chancellor’s ideas had a direct impact in the relative stagnation of Russian-Brazilian ties. Araujo’s interpretation of the international reality is heavily influenced by the ideas of Brazilian right-wing ideologue Olavo de Carvalho, which frames Russia as a Chinese ally in the pursue of a global communist hegemony. According to Keohane and Goldstein, ideas are an important determinant of foreign policy-making and provide ethical and moral motivation for pursuing a given policy course. The article determines how Araujo’s ideas reflected in his foreign policy in general, and in Brazilian-Russian relations in particular.  The research concludes that Araujo led a values-based and ideological foreign policy, which deviates significantly from the pragmatic tradition of Brazilian diplomacy, with critical consequences for the development of bilateral relations with the Russian Federation during his tenure. 

Brazil, Russia, BRICS, Jair Bolsonaro, Ernesto Araujo, Olavo de Carvalho, bilateral relations, ideas, ideational approach
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