Integration of the Central Asian Countries in Current Stage: Dynamic, Stage, Problems and Perspectives
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Integration of the Central Asian Countries in Current Stage: Dynamic, Stage, Problems and Perspectives
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Cholpon Koichumanova 
Affiliation: National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
Address: Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
Nazira Usupova
Affiliation: National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
Address: Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

The article is devoted to the study of the role of integration processes in solving a number of the most important problems facing the Central Asian states at the present stage. Considering the theoretical foundations of economic integration as a phenomenon of modern development of states, the dynamics of its development in the region, the authors come to the conclusion that so far the countries of the region have not overcome the first stage of its formation, however, in the modern development of the states of the region, the unifying, not the separating principle prevails. In order to prove the crucial role of integration in the modern development of the countries of the region, the article considers the main directions that could deepen and expand integration processes. The article highlights the idea that in modern conditions, a necessary condition for the activation of integration processes is the development of a clear strategy of interstate interaction that meets the interests of all states in the region without exception. Statistical materials characterizing the degree and dynamics of economic cooperation of the Central Asian countries during the period of independence, articles by Russian and Central Asian experts, which characterize the integration processes, as well as the level and direction of their relationships, were used as sources for writing this article. Based on a systematic analysis of the revealed factual data, an attempt was made to determine the areas of cooperation that are most promising at the present time.  The material of the article was analyzed using a number of special methods, among which the historical-comparative method was used most of all, which made it possible to reflect the degree of participation of the countries of the region in integration processes. Using the historical-genetic method, the main stages and dynamics of the interrelations of the Central Asian countries were analyzed.


integration processes, Central Asia, effective cooperation of states, regional security, activation of regional trade, cooperation in the transport and communication sphere, expansion of industrial cooperation, development of direct economic ties, tourism potential of the region
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