The Crimean Khanate’s Foreign Policy after the Ottoman Conquest. Between Poland and Moscow
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The Crimean Khanate’s Foreign Policy after the Ottoman Conquest. Between Poland and Moscow
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Evgeniya Zimina 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article discusses the transformation of foreign policy of Crimean Khan Menli Giray. After ascending the throne in hard period of feuds, Crimean Khan continued friendly course of diplomacy towards Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV. The Ottoman Conquest of Crimea catalyzed a change in Khanate’s policy. The traditional crimean alliance with Poland was replaced by rapprochement with Moscow state. The foreign policy maneuvers of Crimean Khanate has been hidden to Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV. Moscow-Crimean alliance was not only against the Golden Horde, but also against Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV Jagiellon. Alliance between Crimean Khan Menli Giray and Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan III was reflected in devastating attacks by the Tatars on Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Antipolish coalition played into the hands of Osman foreign policy objectives, who sought to capture the Moldovan region which was under protectorate of Poland.

Crimean Khanate, Poland, Ottoman Empire, Moscow state, diplomacy, international affairs, Menli Giray
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