The Decree of the Cortes in Burgos of 1377 in the Context of Business Relations between Christians, Jews and Muslims: a Study on Interpretation
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The Decree of the Cortes in Burgos of 1377 in the Context of Business Relations between Christians, Jews and Muslims: a Study on Interpretation
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Izabella Biletskaya 
Affiliation: National Scientific and Educational Centre «Great Russian Encyclopedia» (NSEC GRE)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The problem of the interaction of Castilian Christians, Jews and Muslims is the subject of numerous studies. One of the research “platforms” for studying this problem can be chosen such an aspect of inter-community interaction as business relations, in particular, contacts in the field of lending. In the middle of the 13th century a number of legislative acts initiated the secular regulation of credit and debt relations throughout the Kingdom of Castile. The decisions of the Castilian Cortes were of significant importance in the legislative discussion of problems related to lending. These resolutions formulated measures to prevent usury, as well as to resolve conflict situations, an important condition for the possibility of which were debt contracts, with the help of which creditors managed to carry out usurious frauds. The present study is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of the decree of the Cortes in Burgos in 1377, which approved the introduction of a ban on the compilation of debt relations between Christians, Jews and Muslims. The author finds out the context in which this resolution was dictated, offers interpretations of its content and meaning.

Kingdom of Castile, acts of Cortes, credit and debt relations, usury, debt contracts, interfaith relations
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