Actualization of Medieval Heritage in a Present-Day English Town: the Case of Dunstable
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Actualization of Medieval Heritage in a Present-Day English Town: the Case of Dunstable
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Anna Anisimova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article discusses the handling of the medieval past of English town sat the beginning of the 21stcentury. It isa case-study of Dunstablein Bedfordshire where there was conceived and implemented the project “Medieval Dunstable”. This example allow susto demonstrate the way the Middle Ages can be recreated in a place where there is little in terms of tangible medieval heritage, despite a spectacular medieval history. It also brings attention to the issue of the interaction (if there is any) between popular and academic knowledge. This case is considered within the context of local interest in history in England, as there is abundant number of local societies of different kind engaged in researching, disseminating, and promoting historical knowledge. In order to better understand the Dunstable’s project and perspective, two other examples of towns with somewhat similar medieval past — development under monastic lordship (Faversham in Kent and Reading in Berkshire) — are examined for their strategies in presenting towns’ medieval history. This comparison makes possible to determine some common trends in the interpretations of the medieval past and heritage and its presentation to the general public. Aspecialroleisplayedbynewtechnologies.

medievalism, medieval town, English town, medieval heritage, urban projects
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