Prince or King? Reflections on the Book by Christian Raffensperger “The Kingdom of Rus’”
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Prince or King? Reflections on the Book by Christian Raffensperger “The Kingdom of Rus’”
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Maria Lavrenchenko 
Affiliation: P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

Publication deals with the monograph by Christian Raffensperger, published in 2017, dedicated to the rulers’ titles of the Medieval Rus’. Raffensperger gives a number of arguments in favor of replacing the term prince, which is used to translate the title knyaz with the word king when writing in English. The author shows the artificiality of the term prince application, which began to be used for historical reasons, and not as a result of researches’ consensus. The reviewer tries to assess the pros and cons of the proposed innovation. Without a doubt, it is very important to realize the difference between the medieval and modern understanding of the word knyaz, and its translation as prince cannot be considered as quite accurate, as it creates undesirable connotations. However, the use of the word king also has significant drawbacks, which include the regular use of the term king by the Rus’ chronicler in relation to the Hungarian king. Thus, the question of the medieval titles translation allows us to look at the source study and historiographic problems from an unusual point of view.

Medieval Rus’, titles, political practices, Rurikids, Piasts, Přemyslids, Arpads, Primary Chronicle
Источник финансирования
The study was performed with the support of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Project No FENZ-2022-0002.
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