On the Question of the Peculiarities of the Translation of Legal Texts
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On the Question of the Peculiarities of the Translation of Legal Texts
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Natalia Sredinskaya 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article examines the use and translation of key terms of Roman law: “proprietas”, “possessio” and “detentio”, which were used in medieval texts in one way or another; at least when it comes to the act material of medieval Italy. Despite the fact that the translation of “possessio” as «владение» has been established in Russian romanistics, the translator must take into account that in Russian the use of the words «владение», «владелец» has certain features. The main problem is that until now, often (with the exception of scientific works of lawyers), the term «владелец» is used to refer to the person who owns the property right, the owner, contrary to the dichotomy between the concepts of «владение» and «собственность». Problems also arise when translating into English. Belonging of England to the Anglo-Saxon legal system leads to difficulties in transferring legal terms of the continental system based on Roman law. Researchers and translators of Latin legal texts can avoid accusations of inaccuracy by resorting to the use of legal terms in Latin in the text, or by duplicating the Latin translation of such a term into English or another language.

Latin legal terminology; use and translation of key terms of property law: “proprietas”, “possessio” and “detentio”
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