Sensum de Senso vs Verbum de Verbo. The Choice of Strategy for the Translation of Medieval Sermons
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Sensum de Senso vs Verbum de Verbo. The Choice of Strategy for the Translation of Medieval Sermons
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Oksana Savelier 
Affiliation: National Scientific and Educational Centre «Great Russian Encyclopedia» (NSEC GRE)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is dedicated to the problem of choosing a strategy for the translation of historical sources, specifically, medieval Western European sermons. It gives a brief review of the development of translation thought and provides in detail the main translation theories of the 20th century, as well as their principles and features. The particular attention is paid to the works of biblical translators (E. Nida, E.-A. Gutt, C. Nord, E. Wendland, A. S. Desnitsky etc.). The Holy Scripture as a translators' research object seems to be the closest to the sources considered by the author. The article analyzes the linguists’ postulates and methodological recommendations — within the theories of Dynamic, Functional and Literary Equivalents, as well as theories of Relevance, Skopos and Frames — from the point of view of its applicability to the translation of historical texts. Based on her own research and translation experience, the author proposes for consideration a number of techniques and ideas that are potentially suitable for translating not only sermons, but also other medieval religious sources.

Translation Studies, Translation of Historical Sources, Translation of Medieval Sermons, Biblical Translation, Translation Theories
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