The 15th Century Miniatures in the Gutenberg Bible at the Russian State Library: Research Prospects
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The 15th Century Miniatures in the Gutenberg Bible at the Russian State Library: Research Prospects
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Elena Kazbekova 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article provides a comparative analysis of the 15th century miniatures of a copy of the Gutenberg Bible in the Russian State Library, and three works included in the group of “illuminated Bibles” of the 13—15th centuries, in order to identify sample models that artists could use for illumination of this copy of the B42. Particular attention is paid to miniatures with deviations or errors in plots, which in this case show that both images and descriptions of themes could be used as a model by the artists. The influence of the “Bible moralisée” manuscripts (primarily The Hague. KB. 76 E 7, but also earlier ones) on the miniatures of the RSL copy are shown, as well as some parallels with the “Bible historiale” manuscripts (New York. PML. 394; Jena. ThULB. El. Fol. 95 and 96) and engravings of the incunabula “Speculum humanae salvationis” (Culemborg: Johann Veldener, 1483). Common features are also revealed with the Flemish Books of Hours of the 15th century — Paris. BNF. Arsenal 641 réserve, London. BL. Harley 2985 and Montpellier. BU Médecine. H. 408 (half-borders).

Gutenberg Bible, miniature, manuscript, illumination, incunabula, Johann Gutenberg, Russian State Library, “Bible moralisée”, “Bible historiale”, “Speculum humanae salvationis”
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