Features of the Formular of the Contract of Assignment (Mandatum) in the Acts of Ferrara of the 14th Century (Based on the Materials of the Archives of Saint Petersburg and Modena)
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Features of the Formular of the Contract of Assignment (Mandatum) in the Acts of Ferrara of the 14th Century (Based on the Materials of the Archives of Saint Petersburg and Modena)
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Natalia Sredinskaya 
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg Institute of History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article reveals the role and significance of the act material, and, in particular, the contract of assignment, for the study of everyday life and the development of the law of Ferrara of the 14th century. The assignment agreements covered a wide variety of fields of activity in this Northern Italian center — from property legal relations, including marriage and family, to the conduct of procedural cases. Consideration of these sources shows the prevalence and relevance of commission contracts in medieval Ferrara, as evidenced by some expansion of their form in comparison with the sample — the Summa of Rolandin Passageria. Evidence of this is also the appearance of a new type of documents, samples of which were not indicated in the Summa — acts of approbation and ratification of actions committed by the procurator. This helped to maintain the balance of interests of the parties in legal relations of this kind.

Acts of Ferrara of the 14th century, Summa artis notariae, Rolandinus Passagerius, mandatum
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