Badges in Coins in the 20th Century
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Badges in Coins in the 20th Century
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Kirill Elokhin 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of state, official and private badges — honorary additions to coats of arms in coins of the 20th century. The badges on the coins of Latin American and European countries are investigated. Coins are divided into commemorative, investment and regular minting. The study found that badges played the same role as in the Middle Ages and the New Age, propaganda and actual money circulation, but only in two countries — Spain and Great Britain, that is, where the monarchy with a long heraldic tradition has been preserved. The badges could be changed at the request of the banks that minted the coins. Badges were placed in both types of coins, both in commemorative coins, including investment ones, and in regular minting. There were more coins of regular minting than commemorative and/or investment coins. Of all the coins presented in this article with historical badges, about a third of the coins are with a portrait image of a monarch or infante. In most cases, with rare exceptions, the badges were official and state. Differences (the sign of the head of the mint or engraver, represented by a letter or image, which is one of the forms of the official badge) are inherent in the monetary traditions of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, as well as Germany, although there are exceptions. In fact, it says so, that in these countries, albeit in a slightly modified form, the tradition of placing a badge in the twentieth century. was preserved. Historical figurative slogans in the 20th century. were, with a few exceptions, heraldic relics. The differences continued the tradition of minting on the coins of some European countries even after the creation of the euro, a fundamentally new currency for European countries.

heraldry, badge, motto, numismatics, coins, 20th century
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