“Staples and Springs”: Boris Bakhmetev and the Russian Policy of Washington in 1917—1922
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“Staples and Springs”: Boris Bakhmetev and the Russian Policy of Washington in 1917—1922
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Sergey Listikov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This article explores the crucial role that Russia’s ambassador to Washington in 1917—1922, Boris Bakhmeteff, played during this turning point of relations between the two countries. During Russia’s civil war Bakhmeteff sought President Woodrow Wilson’s support for anti-Bolshevik forces and strove to influence ideologically and politically the Russian policy of the President’s advisors and officials. The article also sets out Bakhmeteff’s complex life history, which is the story of a gifted person who abandoned his career as an engineer to serve the Provisional Government in Washington to become an accomplished diplomat.

Russian Revolutions of 1917, civil war, Woodrow Wilson’s diplomacy, Russian Ambassador, anti-Bolshevik forces, the Paris peace conference
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