Separate Far Eastern Party of the Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON): Genesis and Development in 1932 (to the 90th Anniversary of EPRON Pacific Fleet)
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Separate Far Eastern Party of the Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON): Genesis and Development in 1932 (to the 90th Anniversary of EPRON Pacific Fleet)
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Alexey Usov 
Affiliation: Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok

The article was prepared on the basis of materials from the Russian State Naval Archives (RSNA) in St. Petersburg, first introduced into scientific circulation. The process of creating in 1932 Separate Far Eastern Party of the Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON) on the Pacific borders of the USSR under the leadership of its first chief F. M. Bauman is being considered. A general description of the material and technical equipment is given, the features of manning are analyzed, the main areas of organization of emergency rescue and underwater technical work of the Separate Far Eastern Party of EPRON are summarized. Attention is drawn to the fact that the need to strengthen the position of the EPRON in the Pacific Ocean was directly due to the need to strengthen the defense capability of the Far Eastern borders of the Soviet Union.

Special Expedition for Underwater Works, Naval Forces of the Far East, Pacific, Far East Basin, sea rescue service, diver, ship-raising
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