90th Anniversary of Higher Historical Education in the Arkhangelsk North: the Period of Formation (1932—1940)
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90th Anniversary of Higher Historical Education in the Arkhangelsk North: the Period of Formation (1932—1940)
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Oksana Zaretskaya 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk
Andrey Repnevsky
Affiliation: Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk

The content of the article reveals the history of the origin and formation of historical education in the Arkhangelsk North in the 30s of the 20th century. The authors systematically presented the main stages of this process on the archival material introduced into scientific circulation for the first time: from the first attempt to create a higher pedagogical educational institution in Arkhangelsk, through the work of the evening department of the Vologda Pedagogical Institute, to the creation of an independent full-fledged pedagogical institute with three departments (day, evening and correspondence). Against the background of the development of the pedagogical university, the ways of formation of the teaching and student staff of the historical department, which appeared from the first day of the institute's existence, are shown. The most important problems of academic work, the creation and transformation of the Department of History, its first issues and the social life of the pre-war years are revealed.

cultural revolution, Arkhangelsk North, higher historical education, students, pedagogical institute, Department of History, evening, day, correspondence departments, lectures, social activities
Источник финансирования
The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 22-28-20462 “International cooperation in the European North: institutional forms, challenges and prospects for the implementation of Russia's Arctic policy in the late 20th — early 21st centuries”.
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