Axiological Aspects of the State Policy of Students' Physical Culture Formation
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Axiological Aspects of the State Policy of Students' Physical Culture Formation
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Alexander Sergeyev 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of various value aspects related to the state policy of the formation of students' physical culture. The author demonstrates the widespread prevalence of the institute of physical education of students in different countries of the world, as well as the long period of its existence. With examples from different countries and different historical periods, the similarities and differences of individual characteristics of this institute are shown. Determination of the institute of physical education of students by the interests of state policy is emphasized. It is concluded that there is a value potential in it, which can be implemented by the state, depending on the urgent national tasks.The question is raised about the value of physical education of students at the present time, which is considered binocularly: from the standpoint of the role of physical education of students in economic development and its role in saving the person himself, which is an absolute national priority. The study of these issues is built within the framework of the “knowledge economy” paradigm, as well as the existential-humanistic approach to human health.Models of formation of physical culture of youth in the USSR and modern Russia are considered. Their example demonstrates the fundamental and decisive importance of the values of society for the formation of physical culture of the individual, which is relevant to the national priorities of the state. The reasons for which the model of the USSR could not be transferred to modern Russia, as well as the value features of the attitude of students of modern Russia to physical education are revealed. The necessary value orientations of students have been determined, which are the key to the effective implementation of the state policy of the formation of students' physical culture.

state policy, values, physical culture of students, higher education, physical education
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