“To Be Exempted of Any Penalty”: the Idea of Legitimacy in Sergey Muravjev-Apostol’s Ethical System
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“To Be Exempted of Any Penalty”: the Idea of Legitimacy in Sergey Muravjev-Apostol’s Ethical System
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Oksana Kiyanskaya 
Russian State University for the Humanities
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article researches ethical ideas of a Decembrists’ leader — Sergey Murav’ev-Apostol. The first thing that is described is his ideas about law and legitimacy as well as about the necessity that the jury to be introduced in Russia and the judges follow the principle of “indulgence, merci and love” as they fulfill their duties. The article is based on the history of major N. S. Borshchev, accused of abuse of authority to be later acquitted by the Commission of the Tribunal presided by S. Murav’ev-Apostol. It is concluded that the case of Borshchev predetermined Murav’ev-Apostol’s exclusive authority among the soldiers and officers. The verdict of the military court on the Borshchov case will be published in the appendix.

Decembrists, Murav’ev-Apostol S. I., Borshchov N. S., revolt of the regiment of Chernigov, verdict
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