Jews of the Italian Kingdom: from Emancipation to Racial Law (1870—1938)
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Jews of the Italian Kingdom: from Emancipation to Racial Law (1870—1938)
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Victor Anisimov 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the socio-economic situation of Jews in the Italian kingdom during the formation of a national state (1870) before the adoption of racial laws in 1938. The issue of the role of education in the life of the Jewish population as a means of integration into Italian society is discussed. A particularly significant event in the life of the Jewish population is the emergence of their own press, thanks to which Italian Jews could broadcast knowledge not only among their fellow tribesmen, but also in non-Jewish environments. However, the radical turn of the fascist regime towards anti-Jewish legislation, which took place in 1938, radically changed this situation. Soon after, Jews were excluded from the life of the Italian nation. One of the most tragic and dramatic periods in the Jewish history of the 20th century will last for seven whole years.

Risorgimento, emancipation, ghetto, fascism, Jewish communities
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