Crimean Roots of Dmitry Ainalov
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Crimean Roots of Dmitry Ainalov
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Lydia Sychenkova 
Affiliation: Kazan Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
Maria Рirgo
Affiliation: Independent researcher

The article examines the ethnic origin of Dmitry Aynalov from the Crimean-Azov Greeks, which predetermined the choice of his life's work — the study of Hellenistic art. D. Aynalov's early-formed polylinguism and the acquired cultural traditions of the crimean greeks made it easier for him to study ancient greek history and ancient texts. Knowledge of the crimean tatar and Urum languages from childhood allowed D. Ainalov to feel comfortable, both in Greece and in the tatar environment of Kazan. Art education received in early childhood, allowed D. Aynalov made a significant contribution to the methodology of research of artistic monuments of Byzantium, the middle Ages and the Renaissance. The unexplored iconographic heritage of the scientist is an important evidence of the developed visual thinking of D. Ainalov and his artistic abilities. Since the Italian travels of 1891—1892, the pictorial source has become for D. Aynalov the most important companion of historical research. The introduction of a pictorial source as a full-fledged document in the construction of a system of evidence distinguished D. Ainalova from historians of the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries, allowed him to reach the forefront of the methodology of historiography and art studies.

Ainalov D. V., Crimean Greeks, cultural traditions, polylinguism, visual thinking, iconographic heritage
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