Crimea in the Space of Soviet Everyday Culture
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Crimea in the Space of Soviet Everyday Culture
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Sapanzha Olga 
Institute of World History RAS
Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow; Saint Petersburg

An analysis of the main stages in the evolution of ideas about Crimea as the main Russian and Soviet resort — from the end of the 19th century to the late Soviet period — is the focus of this paper. Tavrida, the Crimean Republic, and then the Crimean region created a canon of perception of this place — fragments of ancient civilization, “Red Nice” or a real all-Union health resort for all residents of the Soviet Union. It was necessary to fill the Soviet space outside Crimea with signs that represent the history of Crimea and the new Crimean recreational reality for this canon to become an element of everyday culture. These were reflections of history and culture in works of fine and decorative art, industrial design, souvenirs, as well as objects that record memories of a trip to Crimea.

Soviet everyday culture, Crimea, Crimean resorts, recreation in Soviet culture, Crimea architecture, Crimea sanatoriums, Crimea in decorative industrial art
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