The Problem of Isolationism in Russian America: for the 200th Anniversary of the Formation of the Russian Border in the North Pacific (Distinctive Features of the Charter of the Russian-American Company of 1821)
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The Problem of Isolationism in Russian America: for the 200th Anniversary of the Formation of the Russian Border in the North Pacific (Distinctive Features of the Charter of the Russian-American Company of 1821)
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Alexander Petrov 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of issues related to the consideration of the problem of isolationism of Russian colonies in the North Pacific. The article is written on the basis of interdisciplinary and comparative approaches. In this paper, the key features of the adoption and implementation of the decision to isolate the colonies from visiting foreigners are noted. Distinctive features of the articles of association of the Russian-American Company of 1799 and 1821 are studied. The main directions of development of the Russian colonies are shown and it is noted why prohibitive measures were taken and why it was necessary to abandon isolationism in 1824. The study of these issues is of great importance for understanding the formation and development of international relations in the North Pacific, and the topic itself can receive significant potential for study.

Russian America, Russia, USA, Russian-American relations, history, heritage, Magna Carta, civilization, Russian Orthodox Church
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