The Far East during the Great Russian Revolution (1917—1922)
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The Far East during the Great Russian Revolution (1917—1922)
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Natalia Shabelnikova 
Affiliation: Vladivostok Branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok
Tatiana Ornatskaya
Affiliation: Far Eastern Branch of the Russian State University of Justice
Address: Russian Federation, Khabarovsk
Alexey Usov
Affiliation: Vladivostok Branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok

The publication is devoted to the history of the Far East during the Great Russian Revolution (1917—1922). Attention is drawn to the fact that in the period from February to October 1917, dual power arose in the Far East — a kind of form of social compromise. The path to power of the Soviets went through one of the most difficult and tragic periods in the history of Russia — the period of the Civil War, which, according to the modern historical and cultural standard, is considered as part of the Great Russian Revolution. During the Civil War, various political forces launched a struggle for the implementation of their own model of the state structure of Russia. This period is characterized by almost complete disintegration of the state, mass destruction and casualties, a sharp weakening of the country's international position. This state of affairs was taken advantage of by external enemies (and former allies) of Russia. Intervention during the Civil War had a significant impact on its course, duration and fierceness. This process was attended by 14 foreign countries, including such as England, the USA, Japan, France. It is emphasized that Japan played the greatest role in the intervention in the region. The features of the partisan movement, the role of the buffer state — the Far Eastern Republic (FDA) in the victory over the interventionists and representatives of the white movement are considered.

Russia, Far East, revolution, civil war, military intervention, Soviet power, Far Eastern Republic, partisan movement, historical memory
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