Russian Voyages and Geographical Discoveries in the 18th — 19th Centuries on the Far East
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Russian Voyages and Geographical Discoveries in the 18th — 19th Centuries on the Far East
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Natalia Shabelnikova 
Affiliation: Vladivostok Branch of the Far-Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok
Alexey Usov
Affiliation: Vladivostok Branch of the Far-Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok

The exit of Russian people across the mainland of Asia to the western coast of the Pacific Ocean marked an outstanding feat of the Russian people in geographical discoveries in Siberia and the Far East. The process of colonization by Russian people of the territory of the Far East and Russian America has a number of features: on the one hand, there was an extraordinary speed of development, and on the other, its extreme unevenness. The solution of the Amur Question, the Sakhalin and Kuril problems put an end to the unknown in the border issue. These processes have become an impulse for active diplomatic activity. The study of the Far Eastern seas was developed. Ethnographic, geological, zoological, botanical and other studies gave a new variety of material for science. The study and development of the Far East and Russian America in the 18th — 19th centuries was of paramount importance for the economy of the region, for the development of industry, agriculture, fisheries and trade.

Russia, Far East, Russian navigation, geographical discoveries, study, development
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