Aiming Devices of the Smoothbore Artillery Period in the Collections of Lomonosov’s Museum at MAE RAS (Saint Petersburg Kunstkamera)
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Aiming Devices of the Smoothbore Artillery Period in the Collections of Lomonosov’s Museum at MAE RAS (Saint Petersburg Kunstkamera)
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Yevgenia Lupanova 
Affiliation: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vast military historiography pays nearly no attention to some very important aspects, which determined the global force allocation. One of aspects of that kind is the appearance and development of artillery aiming devices. The introductory part of this article could not present a numerous historiography. The few works touching upon thus question are filled with serious mistakes. Their authors can be partly excused by the obvious facts of source inaccessibility. During the period, when the aiming devices were in use they were a high-rate state secret, often transferred from one to another as an oral tradition; it is especially typical for the period before the middle of the 19th century, when best European armies averagely had 1—3 cannons for each thousand men. The sequence is the lack of documents. Therefore the most important source for researches should be museum artifacts. 12 aiming devices from Lomonosov’s museum at MAE RAS (St. Petersburg Kunstkamera) are under consideration of this article. The detailed study of these objects leads to substantiated conclusions about attributing and dating, basic principles of usage and some trends of technique development. Some attention is although payed to the meaning of aiming devices, history of forming the collection and reasons for its obscurity.

history of artillery, aiming devices, cannons, howitzers, museum artifacts as historical sources, 16th century, balance levels, angle-measures
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