The French Communist Party, the Soviet Union and France during the Crises of 1968
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The French Communist Party, the Soviet Union and France during the Crises of 1968
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Gael-Georges Moullec 
French Institute (Academy of Sciences)
Sorbonne Paris Nord University
Address: France, Paris

Based on Russian and French archives, this article examines the relations between the French Communist Party, the USSR and France during the May uprising in France in May 1968 and the Prague events later in the year. The analysis shows a strong coordination of efforts between the Soviet Union and the French Communist party to avoid any real destabilisation of the de Gaulle’s regime. Nevertheless, the wrong appreciation made by the French government of the role of FCP and the Soviet Union during the crisis conduct to some restrictions in the relation between the two countries. Later in the year, the Prague events have two consequences, a first degradation of the political relation between the two countries since 1965 and the beginning of a split between the FCP and the CPSU, conducting to the birth of the Eurocommunism.

French-Soviet relations, 1968 in France and in Czechoslovakia, French Communist party, de Gaulle, Eurocommunism
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