Italian Left and Soviet-Italian Relations, 1953—1964
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Italian Left and Soviet-Italian Relations, 1953—1964
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German Gigolaev 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The existence of strong left parties in Italy had a significant impact on the development of Soviet-Italian relations in the 1950s and 1960s. For the ruling Christian Democracy in Italy, opposition to the strengthening of the left, especially the communists, was significant from the point of view of maintaining its own power. Italian politicians adhering to a centrist orientation were reluctant to develop relations with the USSR, fearing the strengthening of the Communist Party, while the center-left, on the contrary, developing relations with the Soviet Union, sought to seize the initiative from the communists and tear the socialists away from them. Dramatic events of the mid-1950s — mid-1960s: the 20th Congress of the CPSU and the exposure of the personality cult of I.V. Stalin, the events in Hungary, the rupture of the pact between the PCI and the PSI, the proclamation of the Italian way to socialism and the PSI entry into the government coalition, the resignation of N. Khrushchev, the death of P. Togliatti, had a significant impact both on the relationship between the Italian left, the CPSU and the DC, and on Soviet-Italian interaction in general.

Cold War, Soviet-Italian relations, Italian Communist Party, Italian Socialist Party, Italian Democratic Socialist Party, Twentieth Congress of the CPSU, Opening to the left
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The article is prepared in the State Academic University for Humanities as a part of the theme № FZNF-2020-0001 supported by the Ministry of science and high school of the Russian Federation.
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