The Estonian Workers’ Commune: a Bolshevik Project
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The Estonian Workers’ Commune: a Bolshevik Project
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Anna Volodko 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyses the history of the Estonian Workers’ Commune (Eesti Töörahva Kommuun, ETK) — the prerequisites of its establishment, its activities and reasons for its liquidation. On November 29, 1918 the Temporary Revolutionary Committee of Estonia in Narva announced the establishment of the Estonian Workers’ Commune (Estonian Soviet Republic) which proclaimed the reestablishment of a Soviet regime in Estonia that had been in power there since October 1917 and until the German occupation of Estonia in early 1918. Formally the ETK was supposed to be a sovereign state, but in fact its ruling body — the Soviet of the Estonian Workers’ Commune — had no real power and was subordinated to the leadership of the RSFSR. Its radical agrarian and religious policy, a large-scale terror campaign and total dependence from Moscow soon deprived the ETK government headed by Jaan Anvelt of the Estonian population’s support. As a result of a successful offensive by the army of the Estonian Republic supported by Nikolai N. Yudenich’s White Russian Northwestern Army and foreign military forces the ETK government and the Red Army were driven out of Estonia. When the Russian Soviet government decided to make peace with the Estonian Republic, the ETK became an obstacle to this course and on June 5, 1919 declared its voluntary dissolution.

Estonia, RSFSR, Estonian Workers' Commune, ETK, policy, Bolsheviks, Jaan Anvelt
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