“The Crimea Was the Only Land We Had…” (Devoted to the Centenary of the Russian Exodus)
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“The Crimea Was the Only Land We Had…” (Devoted to the Centenary of the Russian Exodus)
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Anna Volodko 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Anna Gromova
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

This text is an analytical review of the International Academic Conference “The Crimea was the only land we had…,” devoted to the centenary of the Russian Exodus — evacuation of the White Army personnel and civilians from the Crimea in 1920. The Conference took place in Yalta on October 30, 2020. It was organized by the Institute of World History (Russian Academy of Sciences) with the support of the Government of the Republic of Crimea, the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) the State autonomous institution «Business and Cultural Centre of the Republic of Crimea», and in cooperation with the Double-Headed Eagle Historical Enlightenment Society and the “Elizaveta and Sergei Educational Society” Foundation supporting the revival of mercy and charity traditions. The conference participants reminded the public of the tragic events of 1918—1922 and their consequences, when hundreds of thousands of Russians were forced to leave their country and emigrate (including the Great Exodus from the Crimea). The dramatic history of the Russian Civil War was the main topic of the participants’ discussions. Their papers and speeches reflected present-day views on these problems. They contributed to a deeper understanding of those events, a fuller assessment of the significance of the February and October Revolutions, the Civil War and its consequences for the country, the activities of the “white” and “red” movement leaders, the Russian Exodus and the Russian émigré community.

Crimea, 1920, evacuation, the Russian Army, the Russian Exodus, emigration
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