Trade and Economic Interaction between the CMEA Member Countries and African Developing Countries in the 1960s and 1970s
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Trade and Economic Interaction between the CMEA Member Countries and African Developing Countries in the 1960s and 1970s
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Denis Moskalenko 
Affiliation: the Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the main aspects of the initial period of trade and economic interaction of the CMEA member countries with developing countries, primarily in Africa. It is based on new evidences from the Russian State Archive of Economics.The article is a case-study of the working material of the meeting of the heads of foreign trade organizations on the issues of CMEA technical assistance to developing countries held in April 1971. The article covers such issues as the new forms of cooperation, namely, mixed commissions on economic, scientific and technical cooperation between the CMEA member countries and developing countries; development of intergovernmental agreements on economic, scientific and technical cooperation with developing countries; creation of mixed enterprises; development of economic and technical ties with developing countries through the creation of engineering consulting offices.

COMECON, CMEA, economic policy, Cold War, foreign trade organizations, external trade, export, mixed enterprises, engineering consulting bureaus, complete equipment, export, socialist countries.
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