Articles by Nikolay Bukharin on the Proletcult as a Source for His Views on the Cultural Policy of the Soviet State
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Articles by Nikolay Bukharin on the Proletcult as a Source for His Views on the Cultural Policy of the Soviet State
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Nadezhda Kowalenko 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The author analyzes newspaper articles by Nikolay Bukharin, the famous Marxist philosopher and the Bolshevik party ideologist of the 1920th, as a source on his views concerning the culture in the post-revolutionary period. These articles reflect Bukharin’s perception of Bogdanov’s idea of ‘proletarian culture’ and, on the other hand, Bukharin's views of the ways of ‘cultural construction’ in the Soviet State. The author comes to a conclusion that Bukharin, sharing the idea of proletarian culture, in questions of practical implementation of cultural policy during the post-revolutionary period was ideologically closer to Lenin's positions and the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, than to the positions of Bogdanov and his followers.

Bukharin, Bogdanov, Proletcult, proletarian culture, the platform of the collectivists, “The Truth”
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