Material Items and Source Study of Medieval Heraldry
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Material Items and Source Study of Medieval Heraldry
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Alexander Tchernik 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The study of heraldry as a social and historical phenomenon should be based on historical sources. Among these material items constitute a whole layer of heraldic quite representative and large-scale sources still to be explored. Material item indicate that each section of material culture can serve as a field of separate and forward-looking approach to source and coat of arms studies. Material items clearly demonstrate that heraldry was a widespread public phenomenon and show the attitude of medieval society and its certain members towards coat of arms. The review suggested in the article is an attempt to designate the corpus of material items as source of heraldry and outline the main tasks in this field of source studies of heraldry.

Heraldry, material culture, heraldic source study, Coat of arms
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