The Problem of Historical Memory in the Political and Cultural Dimension of Modern Russia: Glocal Trends
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The Problem of Historical Memory in the Political and Cultural Dimension of Modern Russia: Glocal Trends
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Maxim Stichinscky 
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article considers and analyzes the main factors of actualization in the modern Russian society of the problem of historical memory in the context of the state cultural policy. Attention is focused on the mechanisms and methods of functioning of historical memory in the context of glocalization. It touches on issues related to the problem of the identity crisis that arose as a result of global trends, discusses the contradictions, features and problems of historical memory in Russia. The specificity of the processes of memorialization and oblivion in the system of ideas about the past, present and future in the context of the existence of a global digital space is also analyzed. As a methodological basis of the study, cultural philosophical analysis is applied, implying a communicative approach to understanding the process of constructing, preserving and broadcasting historical memory. The article shows that the informatization of the world space that occurred as a result of globalization processes and the development of technical means inevitably affected national states, creating a threat of their own identity and culture losing. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the fact that international relations in the 21st century acquired a glocal character: the global world, which has become a unified system in a number of characteristics, at the same time needs to be re-identified with its constituent parts. Thus, the task of national governments is the need to combine the mechanisms of actualization of identification uniqueness and the cultural and civilizational features of a social group, with simultaneous integration into the system of international relations in the context of globalization. In this situation, the leadership of the countries faced the need to develop a new cultural policy aimed at maintaining identification integrity and cultural unity through the tools of constructing historical memory. In the context of the availability of various information, including the interpretation of historical events through mass media and the characteristic forms of mass culture, often uncritically perceived by consumers of information content, the issue of developing a relevant program for preserving identity through memorialization and oblivion mechanisms is gaining a high degree of importance.

historical memory, identity, information society, glocalization, mass culture
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The research was carried out at the expense of Russian Science Foundation (project №19-18-00371).
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