Educational Activities of the Russian Museum in the 1920s — 1940s
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Educational Activities of the Russian Museum in the 1920s — 1940s
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Olga Tuminskaya 
Affiliation: The State Russian Museum
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The Russian Museum's Educational activity in the 1920s — 1940s was similar to the work with the audience in museums of a similar profile. Museum education of the public was based on the principles of scientific study of art monuments and historical, chronological and thematic construction of the exhibition. After the October revolution, the composition of the public changed dramatically and the task arose of organizing a systematic mass visit to art museums for the purpose of cultural education of a new spectator. The visual principle of presentation of visually perceived monuments of fine art for the illiterate viewer became the leading one. The time allotted by the state to art museums to train the Museum audience covers two decades. Conventionally, there are three stages: the years 1919—1928 (note to the originals, tremendous research and collecting activities, the meticulous and extensive restoration, the practice of ancient monuments, the meticulous and extensive restoration, the practice of ancient monuments, mostly ancient and Byzantine); 1929—1932. (lecture heyday of the enlightenment, the inclusion in the exposition annotation and labeling) and 1933—1941 (a comprehensive practice of teaching students the art offices, increasing the level of qualification of Museum employees across the country, organizing conferences for Museum professionals educational Affairs).

Museum, scientific and art propaganda, educational activity of art museums, excursion, lecture, exhibitions, exposition
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